γνῶθι σαὐτόν

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Dies Quartusdecima

Salvete, omnes!
Today, in Latina Pro Vicis, Magister Perry took his classes on an exciting field trip..... to the grocery store! At the grocery store, we were able to practice our conversational Latin in a real-world setting. Our interactions with residents of Ashland along the way were especially entertaining. In Roman Art, we took a quiz on Julio-Claudian art and learned about Flavian art. Finally, in "Si se non noverit", Magister Cavedo picked apart and analyzed the words of great Ovid in "Echo and Narcissus". We discovered interesting word plays in our reading of Ovid's poem.
After lunch, we had "Quaestio", a time for studying and for asking help on homework from professors. The day continued with play practice, memoranda, and set design. After dinner, we all went to see Shakespeare's play, "The Comedy of Errors", outside! Thank you to the talented Richmond Shakespeare Organizations for hosting us.
We ended the day with lots of laughs and wide smiles! Keep reading to hear more about our exciting days at The Academy!