γνῶθι σαὐτόν

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Dies Octava

Salvete Omnes!
In the morning, some attended the church service, others played soccer on the field, while others slept in.  Then, we all attended a wonderful brunch.  Finally, almost everyone used the computers for half an hour for a small dose of the outside world.  Practice for the play continued.  Some helped to make signs for the 4th of July parade.  Then, we all enjoyed a lecture by Col. R.M. Sheldon on "The Assassination of Roman Emperors and Roman Internal Security."  We all were invited to speak Latin at dinner, and in doing so all learned some new conversational Latin!  RA David taught the students the techniques and various types of Greek vase painting before letting us make our own.  Praemia Fabulosa for the vases will be awarded later in the week!  Then, as the day came to an end, we all participated in the infamous, yet mysterious Volvifolium.  A new and exciting week begins!