Salvete Omnes!
Today, students learned about the myth of Daphne and Apollo in Si Se Non Noverit. Students then had a chance to make up group stories based on a picture in Latina Pro Vicis. In Artes Romanae, Magistra Carroll led the students in a discussion of he similarities and differences in Julio-Claudian art.
After lunch, Dr. John Miller presented on the connections between our theme, Nosce te ipsum, and Ovid. His very interactive lecture invited us to explore Ovidian wordplay and possibly subversive references to Augustus. Afterwards, the students divided into their afternoon activities. During play practice, students blocked scenes for the first time. Also, production of the Memory DVD has begun! Students picked music, organized pictures, and began individual projects.
After dinner, the entire Academy was invited to President Lindgren's house for desserts. Everyone enjoyed the chance to dress up.